
Showing posts from January, 2024

Religious Trauma

What is Religious Trauma and Why Does it Matter?  The Global Center for Religious Research defines religious trauma as: "Religious trauma results from an event, series of events, relationships, or circumstances within or connected to religious beliefs, practices, or structures that is experienced by an individual as overwhelming or disruptive and has lasting adverse effects on a person's physical, mental, social, emotional, or spiritual well-being." The Religious Trauma Institute defines religious trauma as: "The physical, emotional, or psychological response to religious beliefs, practices, or structures that overwhelm an individual's ability to cope and return to a sense of safety." This site further defines " Adverse Religious Experiences : Any experience of a religious belief, practice, or structure that undermines an individual's sense of safety or autonomy and/or negatively impacts their physical, social, e...

Welcome to Condemned and Happy Blog Site

Mission Statement: This site is intended to be a safe place for people who have experienced adverse religious experiences or trauma. Therefore to keep this site safe, we denounce any and all types of hate speech. We are not here to argue/debate, change each other's mind, or dismiss anyone's experience. We believe, accept, and celebrate the diversity of and uniqueness in humanity. We believe that all people are created in the image of a loving God who wants all of us to feel loved, safe, heard, seen, and valued.  As a virtual safe space, we believe it is important to make clear we are not going tolerate anyone condemning anyone else on this space. That said, it is important to understand we find the following ideologies unsafe: Christian Nationalism, Anti-semitism, Patriarchy, Homophobia, White Supremacy, Rapture ideology, Sexism, and any "ism" that seeks to control or destroy another person's autonomy.